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GO to sandgem town and then go up. go west than north and east and bnorth and west and the n Jublife City wuill come our. U need to vese some trainers.

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Q: Where is Jubilife City in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where is the Pokemon app company on Pokemon diamond version?

In jubilife city.

How do you get to canlave in Pokemon diamond?

You get there by surfing west of Jubilife City.

Where is the Pokemon lottery corner at Pokemon Diamond?

Jubilife city,in the Jubilife TV building speak to 1 of the girls at the counter

Where is the void in jubilife city for Pokemon platinuim?

In the same place as Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

More masterballs in Pokemon Diamond?

Win the lottery at Jubilife city.

How do you catch lasias on Pokemon diamond?

you cant but you can trade for it in jubilife city

In Pokemon Diamond where is the reception counter in Jubilife city?

It is in cret toon

How do you get to canalve city in Pokemon diamond?

cross the water to the west of jubilife

Where can you get all the trade Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

you can get the trade Pokemon in jubilife city from the global trade station

How do you get to jubilife city in Pokemon Sapphire?

Jubilife City is located in Sinnoh, not Hoenn. Since Pokemon Sapphire takes place in Hoenn, Jubilife City is not accesible. You can buy a copy of Diamond, Pearl or Platinum in which travel through Sinnoh.

Where is the gts system in Pokemon diamond?

Jubilife city. go to the left of the Pokemon trainers school.

Can you battle global on Pokemon diamond?

Yes go to the place in Jubilife City