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cross the water to the west of jubilife

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Q: How do you get to canalve city in Pokemon diamond?
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What is the abandoned house on iron island for in Pokemon diamond?

That is the house that belongs to the gym leader of Canalve city, Byron.

In the Pokemon game diamond how to you get to canalve city?

go to jubilife city and exit west. surf across the pond. canalave is just to the west

How do you get to canalve city if there is Pokemon in the way?

there is no Pokemon in the way STUPID

I can't find canalve city in Pokemon emerald.?

its cause its not in the game

What do you catch with a good rod on diamond?

Magicarp,finneon(Only in Canalve city),E.T.C.

Where to get get strength on Pokemon platinum?

beat bryon in the steel gym, canalve city

Pokemon platinum where is the move deleter?

In a house on the right side of Canalve City

Where is cressila after you cure the kid in canalve city get sick in Pokemon platinum?

cresselia will be roaming sinnoh

When does the kid in canalve city get sick in Pokemon platinum?

i think it happens when you beat the elite four

Forget hm in Pokemon dimaond?

in canalve city there is a move deleter... p.s. canalave city is the city that you have to go by using surf on the left of sangdem

Where is Canalve City in Pokemon pearl?

It is to the left of Jubilife city but you need to beat a certain gym leader to be able to use swim and swim to Canalave city.