

Best Answer

you kantot kantot the gym leader in canalve city go to the gym leader and have sex then go to Pokemon league thnks....

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Q: How do you defeat the elite four in Pokemon pearl?
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How do you finish the Pokemon league in pearl?

you have to defeat the elite four and then the champion

What will happen after 8 gym in Pokemon pearl?

You will get the chance to defeat the Elite Four.

Which 6 Pokemon will be needed to deafeat the elite four in Diamond and Pearl?

There is are no certain Pokemon needed to defeat the elite four. Just use your strongest Pokemon.

What is the point of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

To defeat Team Galactic, complete your pokedex, and defeat the Elite Four and Champion.

How do you get to hoeen on Pokemon pearl?

you have to defeat the elite four then the sailor in snow point city will take you there

Where to catch a bellsprout in Pokemon pearl?

You find them after you defeat the Elite four in the north of the Resort area

What happens if azelf is not in the cavern when you defeat the elite four in Pokemon pearl?

he is always there but, if you defeat azelf he will dissapear and never be in the cavern

How do you get a Eevee on Pokemon Pearl?

You can get it from Bebe (the house beside the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City) after you defeat the Elite Four and the Champion.

Pokemon ruby is swampert the best to defeat the elite four?

yes swarpert is a greatest Pokemon to defeat elite four

Where is battle tower in Pokemon pearl?

It is northwest of the Pokemon center in the fight area. (you must defeat the elite four to get to the fight area)

Can you find Mewtwo in Pokemon Pearl?

NO!this wise guy is wrong! you can find mewtwo on Pokemon pearl. in pal park after you defeat the elite four and you have to migrate it from firered or leafgreen.

How do you defeat Pokemon diamond?

defeat the elite four