Fantina is in the CONTEST PLACE in Hearthome City.
Hope I Helped :)
Fantina is a Ghost type gym leader, meaning normal and fighting types won't have any effect.
hm defog
Go east to Solaceon Town.
Fantina is in Hearthome City. If she isn't there. There is something you have to do before. I think you have to go to pastoria GYM first. Then she'll be available, but have been into the Pokemon contest hall before, she appears in there with your mum.
Fantina's Pokemon are weak against Dark and Ghost type Pokemon.
You can find Fantina outside the door in the contest hall.
Fantina is the 5th gym Leader in Hearthome the Ghost type gym.
in platinum she is in the Pokemon contest center
In Hearthome City.
You can find her at the Contest Hall.
Fantina has all GHOST type Pokemon. Her Pokemon are: Drifblim (lvl 32) Gengar (lvl 34) and Mismagius (lvl 36). :)
it is freakin fantina... duuuuuuuuuh!