he is near the lava zone entrance(plus spoiler(if you did'nt already know this)after you defeat him infernape appers on the path to blazeiken's lair.)
Pick Piplup or Chimchar and then trade for a piplup or chimchar
You get a Chimchar if you want it as your 1st Pokemon
Chimchar evolves into Monferno, and then into Infernape. I hope that this helped.
You can get a Chimchar if you trade it from games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
you have to defeat chimchar in the lava zone then he will appear there.
after you beat chimchar in the lava zone he will come to fight
you can battle chimchar either in the medow zone when you start a new game and chimchar can also be found at the lava zone
he's in the lava zone by nine tales when you become best friends ,a.k.a. rainbow book thing , withh chimchar
What I've heard is that you need to beat Chimchar a lot or you find it in the lava zone
U have to beat chimchar (Lava/Magma Zone) 3 time and infernape will appear
Infernape: Found in the lava zone (have to fight chimchar until he says, "i bet your as good as my brother", about 3 times).
He will sometimes be in the meadow zone, but mostly in the lave zone. That's all I know. :)
lava zone
after you beat hitmonchman in the lava zone go to the mine cart in lava zone then in carvern zone he is next to the hot spring
Lava Zone.