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In Eterna Forest

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Q: Where is Cheryl in Pokemon platinum?
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Who is cheryl in Pokemon platinum?

a dog in eterna forest

In Pokemon Platinum where do you get the soothe bell?

you can get one from cheryl or go to the Pokemon mansion and talk to one of the maids their you can get one from cheryl or go to the Pokemon mansion and talk to one of the maids their

Where is cheryl in platinum?

Eterna Forest

Where do you find a sooth bell in Pokemon light platinum?

you get it from cheryl when you guide her through eterna forest:').

How do you take rental Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum

How do you move Pokemon from Pokemon Ranger to Pokemon Platinum?

You cant get Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to platinum!

How do you get a togepi in Pokemon Platinum?

how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum

How do you give the grunt a Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.

Where do you find all of the Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

buy the Pokemon platinum book

What is the 303 Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

In the National Pokedex in Pokemon Platinum Mawile is Pokemon 303.

Where do you find the 151st Pokemon in Pokemon Platinum?

The 151st Pokemon is Mew and is unobtainable in Pokemon Platinum.

New Pokemon in Pokemon platinum?

yes there is a new Pokemon in Pokemon platinum. its name is Arcues.