bills house is in cerulean city. you go up the golden bridge which is route 24, turn right onto route 25, go through the small maze of trees and people, and its the house behind the two ponds
Icefall Cave
what house in what area there is 50 thousand old ladys
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
The Ultimate Horn in Leafgreen is not an item, it's a pokemon. Heracross. You can find him on island 6 in the paddock on left from the horn house.
bills house is north of cerulean
Above cerulean city
Hes bills friend on island 1
Was lorelei even in her house?
right of the pokecenter
You cannot trade your Pokemon form Pearl to LeafGreen, only from LeafGreen to Pearl; it is one way celedon city in the small house in the west
it is in the deepest house in the safari zone....
Mr. psychic's house in Saffron.
Route 12.
Icefall Cave
near the surf house
The name rater in Pokémon LeafGreen can be found in the house at the South West end of Lavender Town. He will allow you to change your pokemon's name for free.
in Fuschia City. directly right of the Pokemon center. -xdstunna