Number 170 is Glaceon. You get Glaceon by letting Eevee evolve near an Icy Rock. Ice Rocks are located in Route 217 (north-east).
Glaceon the pokemon is glaceon an eevee transformation
Pokemon 170 in the Sinnoh dex(not national) is Glaceon. The only way to get him on your dex is to battle a trainer on route 217.its by Snowpoint City.
Glaceon is number 170. You can find it on Route 217 by either leveling up an Eevee there, or fighting Skier Lexie ( It's her last pokemon. )
Chinchou which evolves into Lanturn.
Glaceon the pokemon is glaceon an eevee transformation
170=glacion 190=dusclops
Pokemon 170 in the Sinnoh dex(not national) is Glaceon. The only way to get him on your dex is to battle a trainer on route 217.its by Snowpoint City.
Its glaceon one of the evolve forms of eevee
Pokemon 170 is Chinchou. It's a Water/Electric type and It's very good. On route 220 use surf then use a super rod.
Glaceon is number 170. You can find it on Route 217 by either leveling up an Eevee there, or fighting Skier Lexie ( It's her last pokemon. )
the Pokemon your looking for is glaceon.oh and you'll need to find a ice crystal in the snowpoint city temple.
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