the Pokemon your looking for is glaceon.oh and you'll need to find a ice crystal in the snowpoint city temple.
Glaceon is number 170. You can find it on Route 217 by either leveling up an Eevee there, or fighting Skier Lexie ( It's her last pokemon. )
Pokemon 170 in the Sinnoh dex(not national) is Glaceon. The only way to get him on your dex is to battle a trainer on route 217.its by Snowpoint City.
Glaceon the pokemon is glaceon an eevee transformation
Chinchou which evolves into Lanturn.
170=glacion 190=dusclops
Glaceon is number 170. You can find it on Route 217 by either leveling up an Eevee there, or fighting Skier Lexie ( It's her last pokemon. )
Pokemon 170 in the Sinnoh dex(not national) is Glaceon. The only way to get him on your dex is to battle a trainer on route 217.its by Snowpoint City.
Glaceon the pokemon is glaceon an eevee transformation
Number 170 is Glaceon. You get Glaceon by letting Eevee evolve near an Icy Rock. Ice Rocks are located in Route 217 (north-east).
Pokemon #170 is glaceon. if you want a glaceon get an eevee from bebe in hearthome city. Then go to route 217 and level up eevee near the ice-covered rock.hope i helped!
Pokemon Number 169 in Platinum is Leafeon
Type your answer here... chinchou is number 170