

Best Answer

all you had to do was look at ur map its in FUCHSIA city

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Q: Where in the safari zone is surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Where to get surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

it is in the deepest house in the safari zone....

Where do you get swim on Pokemon LeafGreen?

It is called surf. At the end of the safari zone.

What city do you get surf in Pokemon leafgreen?

It is in Fuschia City, in the Safari Zone

Pokemon-LeafGreen HM 03 Surf?

deep in safari zone house

How do you ride the water in LeafGreen Pokemon?

get surf at the safari zone (end of it actually)

Where do you get surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

HM 03 - Surf - Situated in Safari Zone , From a Guy in a House at the end of Safari Zone .Hope i Helped , If i did , Recommend me Please .

Where do you find the hm surf in the Pokemon LeafGreen firered?

In the safari zone at fuchsia city.

Where can you can surf in Pokemon LeafGreen?

At the end of the safari zone there is a log cabin . go in there and talk to the man.

Where are surf hm located on Pokemon LeafGreen?

In the secret house in the safari zone its in area 3.

Where to find the gold teeth in the safari zone on pokemon leafgreen?

In aria three(there will also be a house where you get surf.

How do you get surf on pokemon leafgreen?

you go to the safari zone in fushia city and go to the end then go to the house there the man there will give you surf

How to get surf in LeafGreen?

Get to the hidden house in the safari zone