you have to catch a through z in unknown then go to ruin maniac from the bottom of veilstone city (cave on brown ground) he will let you through to catch ? and !
either read it, or it means nothing.
snow point temple
go to the ruins in solaceon town and inside will be the unknown their Pokemon shaped lik letters if you get all of them the dude that told you to catch them will dig through the cave and get to a part in the ruins that give a exclemation point and a question mark Unknown
You have to beat Lucas (Rival #2) At some point.
U hav 2 Dfeat the pkmn league
Go to solaceon town to catch one unown. Then go to veilstone city until you see a liitle cave. Then go through the cave to the top floor of the solaceon ruins. Run around until you find the Question mark, and the Exclamation point unown. Hope it helps:D
Some unown can be found in the tanoby chambers although leafgreen can get some firered doesn't so trade the leafgreen unowns to firered to get them all. Psst if you look very hard in the viapois and monean chamber you can find two secret unown: A exclamation point and question mark.
i think the ruins have unown in them; when you move the boulders on six or seven island into the holes. it will say there was an earthquake, and then you can go back and find unown.
All the unowns are letters of the alphabet from A to Z there's two special unown that are a little different there is a exclamation point and question mark one.
In The Resort Area
either read it, or it means nothing.
you can get absol but only by snow point city
so you can suck it
snow point temple
someone else- It is an exclamation mark. me- well i think it would be an exclamation point because at the end of the thing it has a dot. Like a point. So i think it should be a point and not a mark. me- But exclamation mark is what it is called.
It doesn't have a point the guy just says it.
go to the ruins in solaceon town and inside will be the unknown their Pokemon shaped lik letters if you get all of them the dude that told you to catch them will dig through the cave and get to a part in the ruins that give a exclemation point and a question mark Unknown