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First of all, its Archie not Maxie. Go to the Lilycove beach and go up to the secret cave.

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Q: Where do you use dive to follow Maxie after he steals the submaire?
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go to route 128 on the left side and dive. go into the passage way and get to Maxie/Archie and beat him, then go out side the cave or follow Maxie/Archie out youll meet steven

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you have to go by sootopolis city and use dive.

How to get HM dive in Emerald?

you would have to beat maxie in team magma and a team magma admin then you should see steven and then steven will give a beldum and dive.

Where do you find Maxie's sub in Pokemon ruby?

You can find Maxie's Submarine in Seafloor Cavern on Route 128. From Mossdeep City, surf, and then use dive. Go all the way down till you get to the circle. go around it, an enter the underwater cavern. There, you will find the Submarine.

Where do you find dive in Pokemon emerald?

you have 2 beat the mossdeep gym and then go near the rocket place and team magma will be there and then go 2 the 2nd level there yiou will find steven and maxie you will have to talk to steven 2wice and he will ask you to fight with him and then once you beat tabithia and maxie in a double battle steven will ask you to come to his house ON MOSSDEEP and he will give you dive. p.s. i just did this that's how i know every tiny detail

Where do you find HM dive in Pokemon Emreald?

Go into the space center and on the final floor you will find Magma Team Leader, Maxie and an administrator and steven. battle with them and then if you win steven will give it to you

What is wrong with this. What if team magma did not appear in the submarine?

Team Magma will not appear in the submarine but you will see them get away with it the first time. The second time you see the submarine, you have to dive to the seafloor cavern to go challenge Maxie.

How do you use the suunto gekko dive computer?

Since dive computers are quite complex devices, please follow the link below for the manufactureres user guide.

How do you get into the gym in sootopolis city in Pokemon Emerald?

use dive to get to sootopolis and you can go in after you awaken rayquaza in the sky pillar to stop the battle between groudon and kyogre. After you do that, go back to sootopolis and talk to maxie, archie, steven and wallace.scott is champion

How do you get to ever grande city in Pokemon emerald?

you actually need dive to dive into trenches and follow them and eventually you will get to EVER GRANDE CITY.

Were to go after you compleat going through team magmas base in Pokemon emerald?

After you beat team magma's leader, Maxie, surf to Lilycove city. Beat the gym and find hm dive.Then surf to a dark blotch in the ocean.Use hm Dive.

What you must do after you got hm dive?

Well,if you havn't gone to Team Magmas hideout to the right of Lilycove,go there,then go to Slateport where you find Capt.Stern then Maxie uses the Megaphone then they steal the submarine, then go to route 118, teach one of your pokemon Dive, then go to the dark patches of the sea, use Dive, then swim around and you should find a cavern and go through there, if you have gone to Team Magmas hideout and Slateport, just teach one of your pokemon Dive, go to route 118, Dive, swim around and find the cavern. (by the way, I know its T.M.I. ((to much information)) but I really wnat to help)