You plug an ethernet cable into the back of the PS3 into what looks like a large phone jack
No, while an ethernet cable plug looks like a phone jack cable plug it is actually larger. The PS3 can not be connected to the internet with dial up internet service and an ethernet cable is meant to be connected to a modem or router.
All the ads showing features for the PS3 state Online connectivity requires broadband internet service and network devices such as a DSL or cable modem. Most people who have this also require a router and an ethernet cable or a wireless router to allow connection of more than one device to there internet service. Once the PS3 is connected with an ethernet cable or you have a wireless router then you go to the PS3 main menu settings and then the Network setting then network connections.Connect an ethernet cable from you DSL or Cable modem or router to the PS3 and then go to the PS3 settings and connect the internet in the network connections. WiFi is similar if you have a WiFi router. You must already have internet service
Either a Cat 5 or Cat 6 ethernet cable will fit the PS3 ethernet outlet. You must also have something to plug the cable into that is connected to the internet, for instance a router or modem.
First you need a DSL or Cable internet service. Then you need to have a router if you don't have one already. Connecting the PS3 can be wired or wireless and the related link has procedures
The PS3 has only one A/V connection cable outlet
no the PS3 must be connected to the internet with WiFi or ethernet cable the USB ports will not allow internet connection
PS3 internet must be cable or DSL only
You can use an ethernet cable to connect a PS3 with a wired connection
No. The PS3 can only have a wired connection with an ethernet cable. The only other connection that is possible is WiFi. The PS3 can only connect to the internet with WiFi or ethernet cable no other type connection is possible. You can not use the HDMI or USB port to connect the PS3 to the internet. I do not believe a router can be connected to the internet cable without a modem or that you can have cable internet without a modem
The PS3 must be connected to a broadband internet service with WiFi or an ethernet cable. The USB ports will not allow an internet connection
Ethernet Cable
Turn off ps3 plug in ethernet cable to back of ps3 and cable box. then hit the reset button on cable box.Power on ps3 and go to network settings, internet connections, select easy and that should be it. I have charter myself and this worked for me.
You need a wireless modem or the cable that ps3 includes.
the fastest and esiest way to get connected to the ps3 and the internet is to buy a USB cable.
For your PS3 connection you need WiFi or an ethernet cable that is connected to the internet. The HDMI cable only connects the PS3 to the HDTV and will not provide the internet connection.
in the back of the ps3
insert the cable, then goto the settings tab. scroll all the way down to network settings. prees X. go to the middle option, set up internet connection. follow the instructions or go to custon, click wired connection, and then your done. The connection goes from the PS3 to a router or modem that provides access to the internet.