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There are many places for both; use an online guide such as runescape.wikia to get a full list. Two place where you can get iron include south-west of Varrock, and south-east of Varrock. Look at the world map and look for the mining icon; it looks like a pickaxe. One place where you can find coal is in the center of Gunnarsgrun, also known as the Barbarian Village. Once again, you can find this on the World Map.

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Q: Where do you mine iron and coal ore in runescape?
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You do not mine steel ore. Steel ore does not even exist! You may have thought that because of a steel bar. Well, to get a steel bar, you have to use one iron ore and two coal ores.

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you have to find iron ore in caves underground and occasionally on the surface, then get a furnace and smelt it. you will need wood or coal to power the furnace and 8 cobblestone to make the furnace

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You have to mine iron ore and coal make a furnace and melt the iron ore to make iron ingot. Update: THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!!

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In RuneScape, you need to mine two iron ores and then use them on a furnace with a piece of coal to create an iron bar. Alternatively, you can use the Superheat Item spell with level 43 Magic to create iron bars without needing a furnace or coal.

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Power mining at Falador mines on iron ore is ok, as well as the coal mine near Seers village.

How do you pixelmon iron and coal?

In Pixelmon, you can find iron ore and coal ore by mining underground. Iron ore looks like stone with brown flecks, while coal ore looks like stone with black spots. Use a pickaxe to mine these ores, then smelt them in a furnace to obtain iron ingots and coal.

What can you mine?

You can mine gold, coal and iron ore there might be more things that you can mine but these are the ones that i know of

How do you get iron in mincraft?

You can obtain iron in Minecraft by mining iron ore blocks found underground. You will need a stone pickaxe or better to mine iron ore. Once mined, smelt the iron ore in a furnace to obtain iron ingots.

What three provinces mine iron ore?

Lol what do you mean by provinces in Runescape? ==Improved== If by this question you mean "where can I mine iron ore", then.. F2P: South of Lumby, Falador mine, south of Varrock, south east of Varrock

What kind of ore smiths steel bars in RuneScape?

To create Steel bars, you will need x2 Iron Ore and x1 Coal in your inventory. While at a furnace, you will be able to combine the ores and smelt Steel bars. There is no individual ore in RuneScape that creates steel, so you'll have to gather both Iron ore and Coal. Unlike Iron, you will have a 100% success rate while smelting these bars. ;)

On runescape should you mine coal or gold ore?

Coal, coal is good money, and it is solid exp, what I would advise is get the level required to go into the Mining Guild, there aren't many people in there, but there is Coal ore EVERYWHERE -Robbie Man2

How do you forge a sword on RuneScape?

1- You get a Pickaxe 2 - You mine your ore 3- You take your ore to the furnace and smelt it 4 You get a hammer and use a bar on an anvil All these are easily located throughout runescape Note: Bronze = tin + copper Iron = iron Iron + 2 coal = steel and so on So make sure you get the right ores.. You should start with bronze though