nothing,or you beat a master rank contest 2 times so you can get a painting of the Pokemon who win (when you win the contest 2 times) that's it PEACE OUT
If you win a Master Rank contest, a picture of your winning Pokemon will appear there. Cool contest - red frame, beauty contest - blue frame, and so on.
1.You get master rank contest badge. 2.If you get all(cool,cute,tough,smart & beauty) master rank contest badge on any five Pokemon you get a star in your trainer card. 3.You get a picture from the artist.
Feed best pokeblocks to your pokemon, Teach best moves for the contest your entering and just use the right moves at the right time.
The easy rank (known as Normal rank) can be found in Verdanturf town in Ruby and Sapphire. In Emerald, all ranks are in the Lilycove Pokemon Contest Center.
i depends what moves you teach which Pokemon, but i would recommend a kyogre with surf, hydro pump, water spout and dive. i repeatedly won the master rank with it.
Normal rank, super rank, master rank, idk which order, so do a contest yourself and find out!!!
If you win a Master Rank contest, a picture of your winning Pokemon will appear there. Cool contest - red frame, beauty contest - blue frame, and so on.
Winning a Master Rank Contest is the same as winning the other contests except this is where all the "elite" trainers are so it will be more difficult, also, in the Master Contests, people don't cheer for you in the beginning, so you almost always start on the bottom.
There isn't an item called a Cozy Ball in Pokemon Ruby. There is however a Poke Ball called the Luxury Ball. You can find a Luxury Ball in the Abandoned Ship. Luxury Ball is also a reward for winning the master rank contest in Lilycove City after first winning the Ribbon.
well to start you have to win a ribbon with the same Pokemon in slateport (the first contest building) then fallabor town (second) then in lilycove (Master contests)
It is the highest rank in the Pokemon contests.
1.You get master rank contest badge. 2.If you get all(cool,cute,tough,smart & beauty) master rank contest badge on any five Pokemon you get a star in your trainer card. 3.You get a picture from the artist.
Feed best pokeblocks to your pokemon, Teach best moves for the contest your entering and just use the right moves at the right time.
You will just get the master rank ribbon. However, if you do exceptionally well in the Master Rank Pokemon contest, your winning Pokemon will have a portrait of them hung upstairs in the Art Museum. If you fill all five of portrait spaces filled (one for each contest category), the Curator of the museum will give you a glass statue, signifying your completion of a part of the game.
You have to beat all beginner intermediate contest
in fallarbor town but in Pokemon ruby and Sapphire