you probably finished the storyline and only need to complete the pokedex. talk to the one isle guy in the pokecenter in front of the machine if you haven't already
larvatar rock Pokemon and some grass larvatar rock Pokemon and some grass
You can only find it in Sevault Canyon on Seven Island but it's rare. It has a 1 in 20 chance of appearing.
There are no legendaries in any of the Tanoby Chambers. Once the Tanoby Key in Sevault Canyon is completed, the Unown appear inside the ruins. The Monean Chamber is home to two species, Unown A - 99% Unown ? - 1%
Every Pokemon can reach level 100 to get your Pokemon to level 100 takes time and a lot of determination. My advice is to go to seven island and defeat the trainers in sevault canyon that are near a house when your Pokemon are weak go in the house talk to the guy to get your Pokemon healed! Keep defeating trainers and healing your Pokemon and sooner or later your Pokemon will reach level 100.
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.
larvatar rock Pokemon and some grass larvatar rock Pokemon and some grass
there are cubone, geodude, and a lot more that i don't know about. I'll get back on that later
Yes, it is randomly encountered in the Sevault Canyon. and it evovles into a pupitar in level 30 and evovles into a tryanitar on level 55On seven island in sevault canyon.In Seavault Canyon
You can only find it in Sevault Canyon on Seven Island but it's rare. It has a 1 in 20 chance of appearing.
There are no legendaries in any of the Tanoby Chambers. Once the Tanoby Key in Sevault Canyon is completed, the Unown appear inside the ruins. The Monean Chamber is home to two species, Unown A - 99% Unown ? - 1%
omg you people are stupid for answering there are no Pokemon in fire red. THERE ARE UNOWN POKEMON IN FIRE RED. in order to see them though you have to complete the boulder challenge in sevault canyon. you have to put all the boulders on the dirt hole things. then it will say something moved or happened far away. as for how many unown Pokemon there are i don't know. all I know about them is that they are like from the alphabet or something. hope I helped.
Routes 5, 6, 7, and 8, Bond Bridge, Canyon Entrance, Cape Brink, Five Isle Meadow, Kindle Road, Ruin Valley, Sevault Canyon, Treasure Beach, and Water Path
Every Pokemon can reach level 100 to get your Pokemon to level 100 takes time and a lot of determination. My advice is to go to seven island and defeat the trainers in sevault canyon that are near a house when your Pokemon are weak go in the house talk to the guy to get your Pokemon healed! Keep defeating trainers and healing your Pokemon and sooner or later your Pokemon will reach level 100.
You catch it at Seavault Canyon in Pokemon Fire Red and Pokemon Leaf Green. And Seavault Canyon is on Island 7. Look in the grass and a Larvitar will pop up eventually with lvl 10, 15, or 20.
Why would it do somthing in fire red? the red chain is from the ds game Pokemon fire red is a gba
there are about 5 songs on Pokemon Fire Red
You cnnot catch it in Pokemon fire red ,but you can catch it in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.If you want it to be in your fire red,you will have to migrate it from your Diamond/pearl to your fire red.