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the safari zone after baoba calls a couple* of times

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Q: Where do you get vibrava in Pokemon HeartGold?
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What level does trapinch evolve in Pokemon heartgold?

Level 35 into vibrava and again at Level 45 into flygon

Where can you get a flygon in Pokemon heart gold?

Flygon cannot be found in HeartGold however you can find its pre-evolution of Vibrava in the Safari Zone.

Can you get a vibrava an Pokemon Ranger?

No, Vibrava is not obtainable in the first Pokemon Ranger.

How do you get a flygon in Pokemon HeartGold?

well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!

When does vibrava evolve in Pokemon paerl?

trapinch evolves to vibrava @ level 35, and vibrava evolves into flygon @ 45, the sickest Pokemon in any game.....

How do you evolve vibrava Pokemon ruby?

Vibrava evolves at Level 45.

How do you evolve vibrava in Pokemon pearl?

Vibrava evolves naturally at level 45.

Where can you find vibrava on Pokemon platinum?

You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum

What level does vibrava evolve on Pokemon emerald?

Vibrava evolves into Flygon at level 45

What level does vibrava evolve in pokemon platinum?

Vibrava evolves into a Flygon at level 45.

When does vibrava evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

level 45 vibrava evolves into Flygon

What can you trade for vibrava in Pokemon Pearl?

No One in Pokemon Pearl will offer Vibrava. You can only find them at the desert near the resort area.