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You can get ultra balls from the Pokemon mart in lilycove,mossdeep,sootopolis,and the jhoto league. well in the jhoto league when you enter go to the right and talk to the the guy behind the counter.

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Q: Where do you get ultra balls on Pokemon Sapphire?
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Where can you buy ultra balls Pokemon silver?

Usually ultra balls are sold in the later cities try blackthorn city or the Pokemon league.

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It is not possible to catch groudon in Pokemon sapphire, in ruby, you must either use your masterball, weaken it and use ultra balls, or use timer balls, although the last one takes a loooonng time.

Where do you get ultra balls on Pokemon FireRed?

In a shop

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You Can't

Where do you buy ultra balls on Pokemon fire red?

Buy ultra balls in Fuchsia city or Indigo Plateau.

What is better an premier ball or a ultra ball on Pokemon sapphire?

ultra, the premier is the same as a pokeball

Were to find Kyogre in sapphire?

in the cave of origin at sootopilis city i caught it with ultra balls

Where do you find masterballs in Pokemon sapphire for gba?

you cant get sapphire master balls i thinck

How do you get a Quick Ball in Pokemon Sapphire Version?

Quick balls don't exist in sapphire.