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yes but you need 50 ultra balls

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Q: Can you catch Rayquaza with a ultra ball in Pokemon ruby?
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What ball to catch to catch Rayquaza?

Ultra ball.

How do you catch the lengendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald?

With an ultra ball or master ball in sky tower. The name of it is Rayquaza :)

Pokemon Emerald Rayquaza?

sky pillar i used master ball cause i wanted to catch him or ultra ball but get it hella weak

Where do you get legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Sapphire?

In order to catch your legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire, save your master ball For can catch KYogre/Groudon/both with either an Ultra Ball or Timer Ball.

How do you catch legendary Pokemon in Pokemon black version?

You catch them with a ultra ball

What is the strongest Pokemon in the hoen region?

rayquaza. use a master ball on it. is very hard to catch using ultra bal even if it is red and has a status prob.

How can you easily catch Rayquaza in Pokemon sapphire?

throw a master ball

How do you catch Rayquaza but before defeat the E4 in Pokemon Ruby?

Well, you have to beat the E4 enable to catch Rayquaza and when you beat the E4 you need a master ball of a lot of ultra ballsand save the game in front of him!!! If you run, die, or kill him you won't beable to try again. I hope this was helpful heres a tip the rayquaza is black

Is it possible to catch a Rayquaza with a normal pokeball on emerald?

I think it is almost impossible. You can use master ball on it. Legendary Pokemon are really powerful and you may need to use even ultra ball (extra legendary Pokemon like mewtwo or lugia are recommended to catch with master ball).

What Pokemon pokeball will you use to catch Ditto?

an ultra ball

How many Ultra Balls and Timer Balls do you need to catch Rayquaza in Pokemon Ruby?

it depends on luck because me and my friend only had 1 ultra ball and we caught it by luck and a easier way to capture Pokemon is by holding the the back buttons (L and R) while throwing a ball good luck =]

Can you catch raikou with ultra ball?

yes you can catch almost all legendaries with an ultra ball, but most likely it would take more than three tries, i caught rayquaza with one ultraball and half health.