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If you mean starters:You cant catch them you have to trade one starter to another game restart fire red get a different starter trade it over to the other game, restart fire red get a different starter and get the other game and trade over the other two starter but beware because they wont listen to you until you beat cerulean gym If you mean birds: one island, seafoam island, and power plant. If you mean dogs: you have to beat the game, depending on which starter you get a different dog and then follow the instructions for the starters.

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Q: Where do you get the three stars on Pokemon firered?
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Where do you get the three stars for FireRed on a trainer card?

The three starsTo get the three stars you need to. Beat the elite fourCatch all 150 Pokemon (bulbasaur-mewtwo)Catch all 386 Pokemon (bulbasaur-rayquaza)

How can you get all three starter Pokemon on Pokemon firered?

you have to trade them from other Pokemon games

Can you have all three starter in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes but the only way to get them is from another firered or leafgreen.

What is the Bulbasaur for Pokemon FireRed?

It's one of the three starter Pokemon: bulbasaur, charmander and squirtle.

Which Pokemon evolve with stones Pokemon FireRed?

I believe that there are only three, Eevee, Vulpix and Growlithe.

Where to get staryu in firered?

In Pokemon firered you can't, but in Pokemon leafgreen you can get it then trade it to Pokemon firered.

How do you get out from the three islands in Pokemon FireRed?

go to the boat from which you came from you fool

How do you get to the Pokemon convention in Pokemon FireRed?

There is no Pokemon convention in firered.

Is there more than one master ball in Pokemon firered version?

no you have to get master balls on other firered games attach them to Pokemon and trade them on to your acountTo get more stars in fire red you can get it by doing Pokemon jump & get a 100 or 200 jumps

How do you catch Pokemon FireRed on PC?

To get Pokemon firered on PC download a vba and Pokemon firered ROM

Shiny Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes there are shiny Pokemon in firered

Can you start with different Pokemon on FireRed?

Yes, Squirtle, Bulbasar or Charmander are the three starter pokemon. You may choose to start with either of these three.