When Team Rocket capture the radio tower, you need to rescue the Director. Battle every rocket member until you reach the 5th floor. Beat the disguised director and he will give you a card key or something. Go underground and find the director. He will give you the Sooth Bell. ;)
The sooth bell is an item in several of the Pokémon games. In Pokémon X and Y you can find it in Shalour City.
u need 2 give it a sooth bell
There is no shell bell within the game.
yes but not if you give in freidship berrys or a sooth bell
If you have accidentally sold your sooth ball then it is not possible to get it back. The only way to get one is to trade.
The sooth bell is an item in several of the Pokémon games. In Pokémon X and Y you can find it in Shalour City.
johto national park
From someone in Nabasa City.
a bell that makes Pokemon more happy like golbat evoles into crobat by happieness
sooth bell
you go to where mr fugi was standing in the bell tower and use the item finder.
go to national park and towards the back u wil find a item that is the soothe bell
250 happiness-400 happiness depending on lvl
give it a sooth bell {if you have one] hope this helps!!!
Give it the shell bell and at lvl 16 it should be a chansey. I think he means sooth bell. Try both. My happiny is holding a sooth bell, witch makes it more friendly. Yeah its the sooth bell. If you read the descriptions it says so that it raises friendship. The shell bell raises hp as long as you did damage. ------------------ You have to give Happiny an Oval Stone and level it up to make it evolve. You can find an Oval Stone by catching a Chansey (it often holds Oval Stones). You cannot evolve Happiny from friendship.
u need 2 give it a sooth bell