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you go into the kanto regeon and go to the power plant and they will ask u to go catch someone in cerulean city and then go in the gym there and a team rocket dude will run into u. then go to that golden bridge up north of cerulean city and battle him the go back to the gym and there will be a machine part for the power plant in the back left part of the gym hidden in some tubes.take it back to the power plant and them go to lavender town and go into the radio staition and talk to the director in there (he's in a brown outfit) The location of the pokeflute channel:It is at the top part (I had trouble with that)

hope this helps buddy:)

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You have to set the radio to the upper- middle area. Just look around there, and you'll see it.

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Q: Where do you get the pokeflute channel in Pokemon soul silver?
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you can't, but in kanto you can use the radio

On Pokemon soul silver If you have the pokeflute radio how do you get it work?

When you have the poke flute radio you put that circle thing to the top of the radio channel selection guide.

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You need the Pokeflute, but I forget where it is.

How do you get a pokeflute in Pokemon Soul Silver?

put the pokegear radio on the highest part in the circle

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He is next to a sign against the north wall. He should give you the EXPN card. The card will allow you to have access to the Pokeflute channel.

If you have put the pokeflute in trash how do you get it back ion Pokemon heartgold?

there are no pokefluts in heart gold and soul silver,, you need to upgrade your pokegear radio,, and you need to manual find the pokeflut channel,, its near the top.

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Tune into the radio on the pokegear and find the pokeflute channel play it near snorlax to wake it up capture it then you can go in diglett's cave.

How do you get the pokeflute on Pokemon Soul Silver?

You talk to a man in the Kanto radio tower, and he up-grades your Radio. After that, you put the signal of the radio straight up and it should say Pokeflute

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use a pokeflute

Where do you get pokeflute music in soul silver?

get the msn card

How do you get to pewter city pokemon soul silver?

You need to go through digletts cave. But first you have to wake up snorlax with the pokeflute that on the radio.