You get it in Sprout tower.
You can also buy it in the Goldenrod department store.
In HG/SS games it is TM70.
you have to trade them
Yes, DS games are region free.
you can change it by changing the ds time
You Buy them in a Ds game pack for Nintendo Ds or Dsi
When you start soul sliver press pokewalker and choose you Pokemon and connect it to you ds then Wala!
Action Replay DS
yes but only on ds/ds lite. not dsi
you have to go to gamestop and get it
HeartGold and SoulSilver are DS remakes of Gameboy versions Gold and Silver.
Yes. It is called Pure Silver or Soul Silver and it is coming out on Nintendo DS in 2010.
SOULSILVER! mw2 sucks for ds
groudon appears in soul silver.
Pokemon Heart Gold And Soul Silver.
It should but sometimes it doesn't
you have to trade them
Yes, DS games are region free.