There isn't one, the gs ball was a promotional item if you bought gold/silver in japan. If you have the Japanese version you can get it.
You can play Pokemon silver version on any of the gameboys,but not on the ds.
No No
pokemon soul silver/hart gold
No, Pokemon Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon. The next official Pokemon games are Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, remakes of the 2nd generation Gold and Silver versions.
yes it can
You can't. It's Japanese, so you get it in Japan.
If you have non-Japanese battle revolution and Japanese hg/ss, then I think they are not programmed to work with each other-meaning you can't.
There are various types of Pokemon. The Soul Silver version is in Japanese while there are other versions which are in different languages. This is the main difference.
The Pokeathlon isn't in Pokemon Silver version.
yea. i do not see y not
If you mean coins, you can only win them in the English soul silver but you can buy them in the Japanese version of soul silver.
If you mean pokemon silver for gbc an pokemon black for ds then you can't sorry
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out in America on March 14, 2010.
There are 100 new pokemon in pokemon silver that weren't in blue and red. Although,the original pokemon are still in silver, bringing the total amount of available pokemon in your pokedex up to 251. So, you can catch 251 pokemon in the silver version for gameboy.
well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version
There isn't one, the gs ball was a promotional item if you bought gold/silver in japan. If you have the Japanese version you can get it.