You get the Master Ball in the Aqua base off of Lilycove. It is in an area with two Electrodes and one Gold Nugget.
team aqua hideout at lilycove city
To catch Kyoger with out a master ball weeken him a liltel bit or paralize confuse burn or freeze him and use net and dive balls.NEVER WASTE A MASTER BALL ON KYOGER!
back in your house you can only get it in the first hour of playing
there are 2 master ball s and a master ball is rare you can only use it for kyogre requaza groudon salmence fly gon and the rest of the strongest Pokemon a master ball always captures a Pokemon no Pokemon can break out its in possible
There is a master ball in the Team Magma's hideout in Pokémon Ruby Sapphire, and Emerald. Look in the Hoenn region for the Team Magma's base of operations.
you can get a master ball by winning the lottery in lilycove
In the Aqua Hideout.
Right of Lilicove
you can if you have a Master Ball
In lotto
In the office of team Aqua's hideout.
throw a master ball
It's hidden in Team Aqua's hideout.
Master balls cannot be bought in any Pokemon game.
Somewhere in the aqua hideout (you have to be in lilycove city)
it is in team aqua's base (the one where they had the submarine)