To catch Kyoger with out a master ball weeken him a liltel bit or paralize confuse burn or freeze him and use net and dive balls.NEVER WASTE A MASTER BALL ON KYOGER!
I captured Kyogre by weakening it and after using (and failing with) Ultra Balls, I used a Great Ball and caught it.
Look at it this way, if you try catching Kyogre ( full health, no status changes, and no master ball.) with a regular poke'ball, you will catch it right off the bat! your welcome.
there are 2 master ball s and a master ball is rare you can only use it for kyogre requaza groudon salmence fly gon and the rest of the strongest Pokemon a master ball always captures a Pokemon no Pokemon can break out its in possible
The best Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire is usually known as Kyogre. Kyogre can be found in The Cave of Origin. Or once u beat the Pokemon league dnt use ur poke ball on kyogre and go to the sky piller and catch rayquazer lvl 70
Net ball.
In order to catch your legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sapphire, save your master ball For can catch KYogre/Groudon/both with either an Ultra Ball or Timer Ball.
I captured Kyogre by weakening it and after using (and failing with) Ultra Balls, I used a Great Ball and caught it.
The only way you can get Kyogre in Pokemon diamond is if you mingrate that Pokemon into Pokemon pearl. The game you can mingrate from is Pokemon sapphire. Kyogre is a strong and powerful legend. You must catch it in Pokemon Sapphire first. One thing I want to tell you is that you shouldn't use a master ball. I don't mean master balls suck but Kyogre is pretty easy to be caught. Belive me for this answer ,the first ball you use on a legendary Pokemon that in not a master ball ,it will open. To catch Kyogre ,get a few Pokemon balls (that are not pokeballs). I mean a Pokemon ball like ultra ball. By twenty or more to be ready. I ended up catching it with a great ball. Kyogre is a strong legend but easy to catch. After catching it mingrated to Pokemon pearl. Then you will have one in your pearl. Check it out! And have fun!
There is one master in the team aqua hideout by lilycove. To get more you need a gameshark. I suggest you use the master ball for catching raquaza NOT kyogre. NO THATS NOT TRUE I CATCH RAYQUAZA WITH ONLY ONE TROW I ONLY USE AN ULTTRA BALL SO YOU CAN USE IT FROM CATCHING KYOGRE.
use a master ball
you can if you have a Master Ball
Look at it this way, if you try catching Kyogre ( full health, no status changes, and no master ball.) with a regular poke'ball, you will catch it right off the bat! your welcome.
throw a master ball
catch it with a Pokemon (normal) buy like 50 or dive ball or master if there no other lengendary Pokemon
you have to go to sootopolis city and then you go up to the cave that the old guy was blockoing and would not let u go in... he will let u in since u have blue orb and then u have to find ur way through the cave (not hard at all) and then u battle kyogre and then use ultra ball or master ball to catch him and bam, u got kyogre (do not kill kyogre as u can not face him or get him again) :) to catch kyogre in Pokemon Sapphire you must get into the cave on the 8th gymleaders island i don't remember how to though you should be able to figure out
keep it if your playing Pokemon Sapphire for the rare kyogre.
you have to go to sootopolis city and then you go up to the cave that the old guy was blockoing and would not let u go in... he will let u in since u have blue orb and then u have to find ur way through the cave (not hard at all) and then u battle kyogre and then use ultra ball or master ball to catch him and bam, u got kyogre (do not kill kyogre as u can not face him or get him again) :) to catch kyogre in Pokemon Sapphire you must get into the cave on the 8th gymleaders island i don't remember how to though you should be able to figure out