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The Adamant and Lustrous Orbs are hidden in Mt. Coronet! You will have to use waterfall to get in the room.

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Q: Where do you get the adament orb in Pokemon Platinum?
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Where is the adamant orb on Pokemon plantinum?

The adament orb in platinum is in mt. Coronet

Where do you find the adamant orb in Pokemon platinum?

you find the adament orb in the cave near the to of mt.coronet

Where is the adament orb on Pokemon platinum?

mt coronet use waterfall to find the room it is in

Pokemon platinum where do you find the adament and lutrous orb?

find orbs in the road to spear pillar

Where is the adament orb in platinum?

in mt. coronet,use waterfall in an part of it,go it the room to get the orb and the lustrous orb

Where can you get the lustrous orb and adament orb in Pokemon platinum?

You go to mt coronet near by spear pillar go down in the mountain use waterfall go inside and there it is....

Where do you find adament orb in Pokemon platnium?

There's A Room In Mt.Coronet That Has The Adamant Orb And The Lustrous Orb.

How do you catch Dialga and Palkia on Pokemon platinum?

you have to get the adament orb for dialga and the lustrous orb for palkia and then go up to spear pillar and they are there but you have to get the national pokedex

Where is do you get the lustrous and adament orb on Pokemon vortex?

Answer TBA Soon... Pokemon Vortex Help

How do you get Dialga in Pokemon black?

I dont think you can even though you get the adament orb,the lustrous orb,and the griseous orb from the shadow triad on marvelous bridge.

Are you able to get Dialga and Palkia in platinum?

Yes, all you need to do is bring either a Lustrious Orbor Adament Orb to Spear Pillar (where you find Giratina the first time, and also where you see Palkia/Dialga in Pearl/Diamond). Whichever orb you bring to the Pillar will effect the Pokemon that appears there. (Lustrious = Palkia | Adament = Dialga)

What does the platinum orb do?

the platinum orb ( or in Pokemon platinum "the greiceus orb") this is given to giratina and then it changes to its original form.