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Sunkern are not available to catch in the wild in Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green. They can only be obtained by trading with another player.

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Should keep sunkern as a sunkern or evolve it?

Do whatever you want.

What type of Pokemon is Sunkern?

Sunkern is a Grass type pokemon.

When does sunkern evolve into in HeartGold?

Sunkern, the Seed Pokemon evolves into Sunflora, the Sun Pokemon. Both Pokemon are plant type pokemon.

What level does sunkern evovle at?

Sunkern evolves via the sun stone.

When does sunkern evolve in Pokemon emerald?

Sunkern evolves into a sunflora when a sunstone is used on it.

What pokemon do you use sun stone on?

Using the Sun Stone, Sunkern evolves into Sunflora and Gloom evolves into Bellossum.

Who would win in a Pokemon battle between Sunkern and Ledyba?

sunkern, stronger moves.

Where can you find the Pokemon Sunkern in Pokemon soul silver?

You can find sunkern in national park

What lever does sunkern evolve on pokemon white.?

Sunkern evolved into Sunflora when given a Sun Stone.

What is the national pokedex number for Sunkern?

Sunkern is #191 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass type Pokemon.

What does sunkern evolve into?

Give it a Sunstone and it becomes a Sunflora.