I get my streangth From being positive! looking always at the good side.
Canalave City
You get streinght as a reward for finding gold tooth inside saffari zone in firered its in 3rd zone,once u get your hands on it give it to steward that's in Fuchsia city at the house with a pond behind it ( the left one). Hope this helps =)
if u are a member you should probable use a dharoks great axe or if that's too slow u can use a dragon scimitar. in order to use the dragon scimitar u need to complete the grand tree, and monkey madness quests. if u are a non_member u can use a rune scimitar or a rune 2h. have fun training streangth ~ Angelsblade0 says, dh axe is for nubs, get full dh and go to ape toll, use a d scimmy with dfs or defender, or buy an ss. godswords fail at training btw, their to slow.
the charge
Canalave City
Depends upon the streangth of a person who throws it
The HM Strengt: You get it from Riley on Iron Island
machoke does not learn strength leveling up.
To get streangth, you have to go to Fucharia city. Then, in the safari zone, pick up all the items you can find. One of them is the warden's gold teeth. Then, go to the warden's house in Fucharia city, and give them to him. In return he will give you streangth.
YOu get strength by going to the top-left building in Nimbasa city
read the brail walk 2 right 2 down then use streangth
after the 4th gym leader you go east and a guy runs out of a cave and gives it to you
Their best pilots and aircrewmen were destroyed at Midway.
1 gallon of full streangth should be plenty, butch
I will truelly with all my heart and streangth to tell you that the estimate water in an apple is about 1/3. I am happy to inform you of this information.