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Tm Ice Beam can be found in two places!

1) You can buy it for 4,000 coins in the Celadon City Game Corner.

2) It can be found in the Seafoam Islands.

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Q: Where do you get ice beam in Pokemon FireRed?
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When does dewgong learn ice beam in Pokemon FireRed?

Level 51.

Where do you get Ice Beam in Pokemon Red?

The best ice Pokemon in firered and leafgreen is sneasel coz it have an very high attack stat and speed it can learn dark and ice attack such as ice beam blizard for ice beat up shadow ball and more..............

What is TM13 in Pokemon FireRed?

tm 13 is ice beam im also playing pokemon fire red and its getting very addicting!

Ice beam in Pokemon FireRed?

TM13 which contains the move Ice Beam can be purchased in the Celadon City Game Corner Exchange building along with the TM's for Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower, and Iron Tail.

When do Pokemon get frozen by ice beam?

Ice Beam has a 10% chance of freezing a Pokemon.

What is ice beam Pokemon?

Ice Beam is a 90 power Ice-type move. It has a 10% chance of freezing the opposing Pokemon.

What is a good water Pokemon in FireRed?

You can basically choose whatever you want but if you really want to own, choose Lapras. Sheer Cold Ice Beam Brine Hydro Pump

How do you get ice beam in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.

Where do you find TM ice beam in pokemon black?

You get the TM Ice Beam in the Great Chasm.

What are the ice type TM's in Pokemon white?

ice beam and billerd

What is altaria's weakness in Pokemon Ruby?

ice moves such as ice beam

How do you get ice beam in Pokemon white2?

Ice Beam can be found inside the giant chasm at the bottom of the stairs in the field