The lost tower by Solaceon Town, or in the Eterna side of the Eterna Forest.
Gastly evolves at level 22 then Haunter evolves by trading it.
gengar haunter gastly
Gastly evolves into Haunter once it reaches level 25 or higher.
You can get gastly at the Lost Tower or in the Eterna Forest
at lvl 25 hope it help
in the mansion that has gastly
Gastly evolves at level 20 into Haunter
Gastly evolves at level 22 then Haunter evolves by trading it.
gengar haunter gastly
Gastly evolves into Haunter once it reaches level 25 or higher.
nobody but u can get a gastly and evovle it
You can get gastly at the Lost Tower or in the Eterna Forest
at lvl 25 hope it help
Just go run around in the mansion just on the side of Eterna Forest.
Its not a TM. Your Pokemon has to learn it. like Gastly :) (Gengar in lvl 100 with hypnosis is pwnage :p)
Gastly evolves once it reaches level 18. It evolves into a Haunter. To evolve Haunter into a Gengar, you must trade it to another player.
Gaspar is not a Pokemon well anyway it's gastly he evolves around level 18 and 20