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you cant get that move in that game

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Q: Where do you get flare blitz in Pokemon FireRed?
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What is the best attack fire fang or flare blitz in Pokemon?

flare blitz is the best attack

How does Entei learn flare blitz in Pokemon heartgold?

It doesn't. Flare Blitz is a move only fire-type starter Pokemon can learn.

What Pokemon Can Learn Flare Blitz?

have to breed

What level does Charizard learn Flare Blitz on Pokemon fire red?

I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.

Where could you find the TM Flare Blitz?

flare blitz is not a TM

Where to buy flare blitz in Pokemon diamond?

As far as I know, the move Flare Blitz is not a TM and thus cannot be purchased or found in the field. It is instead learned by select Fire-type Pokemon via a level-up. Two such Pokemon are Infernape and Rapidash.

Does infernape learn flare blitz?

Infernape learns Flare Blitz at Lv 57

Is flare blitz the powerfullest move on Pokemon?

For me it is Fissure because it is an instant-faint move if it hits

What level does Infernape learn flare blitz?

Infernape learns Flare Blitz at level 57.

What level does typhlosion learn flare blitz?

The only way to learn Thyplosion Flare Blitz is by breeding.

Who is the best fire Pokemon?

Charizard at lvl 100 with: .overheat .fire blast .flare blitz .fly

Where to find Flare Blitz in Pokemon White 2?

Flare Blitz is a level-up and Egg move in Pokémon White 2. Pokémon that can learn Flare Blitz as a level-up move as Charizard, Monferno, Infernape, Combusken, Blaziken, Tepig, Piginite, Embar, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Larvesta, Growlithe, Ponyta, Rapidash and Victini. Pokémon that can learn Flare Blitz as an Egg Move are Charmander, Cyndaquil, Magby, Vulpix, Growlithe and Magmar.