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Infernape learns Flare Blitz at level 57.

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Q: What level does Infernape learn flare blitz?
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What level does typhlosion learn flare blitz?

The only way to learn Thyplosion Flare Blitz is by breeding.

When does Rapidash learn Flare Blitz?

level 56

Where to find Flare Blitz in Pokemon White 2?

Flare Blitz is a level-up and Egg move in Pokémon White 2. Pokémon that can learn Flare Blitz as a level-up move as Charizard, Monferno, Infernape, Combusken, Blaziken, Tepig, Piginite, Embar, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Larvesta, Growlithe, Ponyta, Rapidash and Victini. Pokémon that can learn Flare Blitz as an Egg Move are Charmander, Cyndaquil, Magby, Vulpix, Growlithe and Magmar.

What level does Charizard learn Flare Blitz on Pokemon fire red?

I'm 99.999999999...% positive that charizard learns flare blitz at level 66.

What are all of the moves Infernape can learn and at what levels?

The one i just discovered was at lv. 57 he learns flare blitz. Check, it has a level-up chart for all pokemon.

What level does infernape learn earthquake?

Infernape doesn't learn earthquake. The moves he does learn are close combat at level 41, Fire Spin at level 53 and Flare Blitz at level 57. Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting. "Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting." Absolutely incorrect! One, many Pokemon can learn Earthquake regardless of type (e.g. Gyarados, Drapion, Sceptile) through TM21. The same goes for Infernape.

When does Arcanine learn flare blitz?

It only learns that in diamond, pearl, platinum.

Where to buy flare blitz in Pokemon diamond?

As far as I know, the move Flare Blitz is not a TM and thus cannot be purchased or found in the field. It is instead learned by select Fire-type Pokemon via a level-up. Two such Pokemon are Infernape and Rapidash.

What does Emboar learn at level 100 in Pokemon white?

The last move Emboar learns is at level 62 which is flare blitz.

Rate my level 100 Infernape HP282 Atk259 Sp Atk 251 moves overhheat blast burn close combat focus blast should i add flare blitz or no because it add recoil also i used to have flamethrower but delete?

your infernape sucks, take out close combat and replace it with focus punch. here is my infernape's moveset flamethrower flare blitz blast burn focus punch

How do you teach Blaziken flare blitz and brave bird?

Blaziken learns Brave Bird at level 49 and Flare Blitz at level 66.

What level does rapidash learn flamethrower?

around 40 i think