You dig for it underground. Look for the skull fossil then give it to the scientist in the museum and come back to him
Cranidos is a Rock type Pokemon that can be revived from a Skull Fossil in Pokemon Diamond. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30.30
Must trade Cranidos appears in Diamond/Platinum (odd ID number) - Revive Skull Fossil
use a fossil to get it in orburg
To get Cranidos, dig up Skull Fossil while you are in Sinnoh Underground and take to the Oreburgh Mining Meseum to have it revived into a Cranidos. To get Shieldon, well, sorry, he's exclusive to Pearl. But of course, I can trade you my Cranidos to get Shieldon.
You can't catch Cranidos in the wild or from a special event. You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
Cranidos (Skull Fossil) are only available to Diamond, similar to how you can get Shieldon (Armor Fossil) in Pearl but not in Diamond. In Pearl, you can get a Cranidos by trading with a friend who has one in Diamond or trading with someone in the world on GTS (Global Trade Station).
go under ground and dig (you can only get cranidos in dimond sorry :(
No, only in Pokemon diamond.
Cranidos is a Rock type Pokemon that can be revived from a Skull Fossil in Pokemon Diamond. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30.30
Evolve from Cranidos
level 30
In Pokemon Diamond you can only get Diagla, and Cranidos Diagla you get at the Spear Pillar - goes with the story timeline! Cranidos is a fossil you get revived in the mining museum!
there r certain fossils and the fossil for shieldon is only in pearl, and cranidos only in diamond
you can only find a cranidos on diamond and a shieldon on pearl
Lv. 30
On Diamond, you can only get Cranidos.