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If you mean the Thunder Stone, go to the New Mauville Power Plant.

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Q: Where do you get a yellow shard in emerald?
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How do you get a yellow shard in emerald?

find it using dive

Where are the thundertones on Pokemon emerald?

dive any where possible between mosdeep and lilycove and get a yellow shard go to the guy who lives on an island and he will trade a thunder stone for your yellow shard

How do you find a yellow shard in emerald?

If you mean the Thunder stone, you go to the New Mauville Power Plant.

Where is the blue shard in emerald?


Were do you find the thunder stone in Hoenn?

You first need a yellow shard these can be found using Dive near the Hunter's house, Second give the yellow shard to the hunter he will trade you a thunder stone for the shard. Another way to get a thunder stone is by trading a Pokemon from firered or leafgreen that is holding one to ruby, sapphire or emerald.

What does yellow shard do?

Yellow Shards and the other color shards are used for trading with NPCs for items or moves. For example in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald they are the main source of evolution stones.

What are the shards used in Pokemon pearl?

yellow shard and red shard and green shard

Where do you get a water stone in emerald?

You get a shard and.give the shardmaster. I believe it's the blue shard

What does the sun stone evolve in emerald?

After you have defeated the hideout at Lilycove city and head for Mossdeep city you will see some patches of dark water which you can dive in after you have defeated the gym at Mossdeep city you will be able to dive. If you go to the outskirts of the city you will find a house . In that house a man says that if you find him a shard he will trade with you. The dark patches of water you saw before are the places you must look for shards. when you are underwater look for marks that will have items in them. Once you have a shard it could be a green shard, red shard, blue shard or yellow shard. A green shard will get you a leaf stone, a red shard will get you a fire stone, a blue shard will get you a water stone and a yellow shard will get you a thunder stone.

In Pokemon emerald what type of shard do you trade for a moon stone?

Sorry but there are no shards that can accomplish this task. Actually there are only four (4) shards that are called Blue Shard, Red Shard, Green Shard, and lastly the Yellow Shard. These of which when traded to the Hunter become a Fire Stone, Water Stone, Grass Stone and Thunder Stone. It has been a pleasure answering. Please contact me if you would like to know more.

Where is the shard hunter on Pokemon emerald?

Near mossdeep ciry

Where in sapphire do you get a water stone?

you have to get a blue shard and then give it to shard dude (i dont know his name) BLUE SHARD=WATERSTONE RED SHARD=FIRESTONE YELLOW SHARD=THUNDERSTONE GREEN SHARD=GRASSSTONE