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Go to the fishing store in catherby, just off the place where everyone fishes, with a fishbowl with water + seaweed in it and talk to the owner and he will sell you one for 10gp.

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Q: Where do you get a tiny net in runescape?
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How do you get a fisher net on the game runescape?

You can get a small fishing net near the fishing instructor.

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It can be bought in the Yanille or Nardah hunter store or on the G.E.

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The best way to fish on runescape is to use a net or a fishing rod and bait in draynor. Then it is easy to bank your fish

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you have to get on the raft behind the house and when you reach the rock speak to him from there

Where do you fish with a big net in RuneScape?

look here:

Where can you find a big fish net in runescape?

one place you can get it is at the catherby fishing store

How do you make a squirrel trap in runescape?

You use a net trap, baited with nuts. The net trap requires a rope and a small fishing net. Use them on a young tree. You can get the nuts from a hunter shop.

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Lumbridge Swamp Caves, using a small fishing net.