You can not find Salamanca in any Pokemon game, it must be evolved from bagon because you can't find Shelgon in the wild either.
you have to catch a bagon then evolve to shelgon then evolve to salamence
Salamence doesn't evolve, it's the final stage.
Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type pokemon.
Evolve the Bagon into Shelgon. then you can evolve Shelgon into Salamence.
Salamence is not a legendary Pokemon, but it is a powerful dragon-flying type. Along with Dragonite, Salamence is considered a pseudo-legendary by fans based on their high base stats.
catch bagon at meteor falls and evolve it into shellgon then evolve it to SALAMENCE bagon lv31 shellgon lv50 salamence
Salamence is the final form, it cannot evolve afterwards.
Shelgon evolves into Salamence at LV. 50
you have to catch a bagon then evolve to shelgon then evolve to salamence
Salamence doesn't evolve, it's the final stage.
Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type pokemon.
Get a Bagon in the Safari Zone. From there, evolve it into Shelgon and then Salamence.
Elite Four Drake (Dragon-type user) has a Salamence.
Evolve the Bagon into Shelgon. then you can evolve Shelgon into Salamence.
Salamence is not a legendary Pokemon, but it is a powerful dragon-flying type. Along with Dragonite, Salamence is considered a pseudo-legendary by fans based on their high base stats.