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Salamence is not a legendary Pokemon, but it is a powerful dragon-flying type. Along with Dragonite, Salamence is considered a pseudo-legendary by fans based on their high base stats.

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Q: Is salamence a legendary Pokemon
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Is salamance from Pokemon rare or legendary?

If the options are rare or legendary, Salamence would be rare.

What is the best flying type Pokemon in sapphire?

Rayquaza is the best, but non-legendary is Salamence.

What is the Pokemon team in Pokemon ruby version no legendary?

Alakazam,Salamence,Walrein,Sceptile,Aggron,Metagross. :) is the ideal team :)

Can a rayqaza and a salamence make an egg in Pokemon emerald?

No, because Rayquaza can't breed. None of the legendary Pokemon in the game can breed at all.

What are the 6 best non-legendary Pokemon?

gyarados, heracross, espeon, torterra, magmortar, salamence. this team is a beast.

What flying type Pokemon has the highest overall stats?

Lugia, Ho-oh, and Rayquaza for legendaries. Then for pseudo legendary Pokemon you have Dragonite and Salamence. Then for "normal" Pokemon Togekiss.

Best three non-legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald not including the original starters in the game?

1. Milotic 2. Salamence 3. Flygon

What type of Pokemon is Salamence?

Salamence is a Dragon and Flying type pokemon.

What are psuedo legendaries?

Pseudo-legendary pokemon is a term use for pokemon whose stats are all 90 and above. They all have really high speed, attacks and HP. Put it this way, there is a classification in-between legendary and non legendary pokemon. They are... the pseudo legendaries! I am the proud owner of a pseudo-legendary pokemon--Garchomp. There are only six pseudo- legendary pokemon so far- Hydreigon, Garchomp, Metagross, Salamence, Tyrannitar and Dragonite.

What is the top 5 best pre-legendary Pokemon?

1. Garchomp 2. Hydreigon 3. Tyrantior 4. Salamence 5. Dragonite

Is salamence a lengendary Pokemon?

Salamence is a great Pokemon but it is hard to train. It is way more powerful then either flygon or kingdra. If I were you I wouldn't get garchomp because it cant fly but I would get dragonite because it is equally powerful. Most legendary dragons aren't very powerful.