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Tesco sell them but have been sold out. Try phoning tesco customer services, they're called moshling egg surprises. They should be able to tell you which store has them available.

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Q: Where do you get a moshi monsters surprise egg special?
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The Missing Moshling Egg Super Moshi Mission on Moshi Monsters does not have any EPICS. EPICS were not added to the Super Moshi Missions until Season 2.

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the code is GIANTEGGY

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How much do moshi you mean moshi surprise egg cost?

they cost beetween 15 and 35 rox

How do you hatch an egg on Moshi Monsters in one day?

You can not hatch an egg on Moshi Monsters in one day. It takes a week to hatch an egg, but if you click on the egg, it will hatch sooner. Be careful not to click on it more than 3 times a day.

Who do you get from moshling eggs on Moshi Monsters?

You get moshlings from moshling eggs on Moshi Monsters. Currently (November 2012), you can get Honey, and Ecto from a moshling egg.

Where is the second egg in captain bucks egg hunt moshi monsters?

The second egg is on Blerg Beach