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Talk to the old man as soon as you walk into CherryGrove City, and let him take you on a tour of the town.

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Q: Where do you get a map in Pokemon Silver?
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How do you get a map in Pokemon Soul Silver?

use the pokegear

What version of Pokemon has a second map?


Do you have maps of the ice path on Pokemon Silver?

No because the map is only of cities and routes in silver.

Where is route 9 in Pokemon Soul Silver?

I advise you to use your map.

How do you get on route 25 on Pokemon soul silver?

first you have to find it on the map then you just follow the map until you get there its as simple as that

How do i get the map in silver version?

Talk to the guide gent in cherrygrove city he will show you the Pokemon center the Pokemon mart the sea and when you get to his house you will get the map card for your pokegear

How do you get the town map in Pokemon soul silver?

it is on your pokegear when guide gent gives it to u

How do you get to the map in Pokemon silver?

click on the pokegear and there will be a map if you click on the middle icon on the pokegear which you get from your mom in your house in new bark town

Where is a map of whirl islands in Pokemon soul silver?

there is no map. just use the pokegear. to get lugia you need to get a certain item first.

What do you when the map glows red in the poke dex inn Pokemon soul silver when you look at where the Pokemon comes from?

you look for the Pokemon idiot. learn how to spell

Where are the three legendary cats from the burnt tower in Pokemon silver version?

check it out on your pokegear map

Where can you find red in Pokemon soul silver?

Pokemon Trainer Red is on the top of the mountain in the center of the map. All of his Pokemon are lv.63 and up, so have strong Pokemon!