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you go to the abandoned ship and you need a Pokemon that knows diveI can type in large bold print too!you can get extra luxury balls by winning a master rank contest after your Pokemon already has the ribbon.
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Q: Where do you get a luxury ball in Pokemon sapphire?
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Can you get more than 2 luxury balls in Pokemon sapphire?

Yes. If a Pokemon of yours wins the Pokemon master rank contest after having one it before, you will be given a luxury ball as a prize.

How can you get luxury balls in Pokemon FireRed?

Give a Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald, Sapphire, or Ruby a luxury ball to hold and trade to Fire Red. You can get extra luxury balls by winning a master rank contest after your Pokemon already has the ribbon. There is also one luxury ball in the abandoned ship, but you need dive. As far as I know, you cant get the luxery bal without tradeing with the other games I listed, or trade with someone who already has luxury balls. -BubbaJ

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shadow ball isn't avalible in sapphire

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NONE!! Except for the master ball. i have heard that luxury ball can also be used like a master ball on latias comment but i have wobbufet as my first pokemon,then i found a latias,then i caught it with two ultra ball...

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There's no such thing as a ball creator in Pokemon

How do you get the gs ball in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can't.

Can you trade a ball that you have caught with Pokemon sapphire?

You cannot switch a pokemon from one ball to another.

Is a luxury ball good in Pokemon black?

The luxury ball doubles the happiness of a Pokemon so it is good to use on baby Pokemon and ones like zubat who eventually evolves with happiness

How do you get all the Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire without using a poke-ball?

use a ultra/great ball

How do you get a cozy ball in Pokemon Ruby?

There isn't an item called a Cozy Ball in Pokemon Ruby. There is however a Poke Ball called the Luxury Ball. You can find a Luxury Ball in the Abandoned Ship. Luxury Ball is also a reward for winning the master rank contest in Lilycove City after first winning the Ribbon.

Where to get a master ball in Pokemon sapphire?

In the Aqua Hideout.

How do you get a master ball in Pokemon Sapphire?

Right of Lilicove