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You need to get mystery gift and go to a Nintendo event but they don't do them no more sorry!!!!

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Q: Where do you get a ho-ho on Pokemon lg?
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Can you get get hoho as a starter on Pokemon FireRed?

no you can not, you can only get ho-oh in Pokemon heart gold or soul silver, or you can get it in global trade.

What pack do you get shiny hoho Pokemon in?

You can't get a shiny ho oh from any pack, you need to go on eBay or Amazon. You could buy a lot of Pokemon packs and see what you get.

How do you catch hoho in emerald?

To get ho-ho or lugia you will need to get the mystic ticket from the Pokemon events and take the ferry to navel island.

Can you get a Ho-oh in Pokemon Yellow?

This guy is somewhat right. I'm not sure if your aware but there are glitches in Pokemon yellow like the missing no. glitch. However, you can use this glitch to catch certain Pokemon you shouldn't be able to get by going to areas where certain trainers see you immediately as you are in their view. Once you get in their view you hit start then go to Pokemon and fly away somewhere else. Then have a battle with a specific Pokemon trainer on the map and then fly to seafoam island. Fish and catch missing no. then you will get a specific Pokemon. I got Mew this way, a Pokemon you only are supposed to get with the promo release of yellow version. You can Google Pokemon yellow version glitches. One time I found out how to get hoho a Pokemon in Joto. I did the glitch and believe it or not I caught hoho. But the downside was that when you catch hoho the game freaks out and crashes deleting your saved game. Short story you cant but you can have one appear as missing no.

Pokemon LeafGreen at what level does rhydon evolve?

Rhydon, in Pokemon FR/LG, does not evolve.

Related questions

Where do you catch Hoho in Pokemon Silver?

You can catch Hoho at night.

How do you get hoho on Pokemon coloseum?

You have to purify every shadow Pokemon

Can hoho breed?

No, because it is a legendary Pokemon.

Where can you see HOHO on Pokemon emerald?

navel rock

How do you catch Lugia and Hoho in Pokemon Ruby?

you don' trade them......

Where to find hoho in Pokemon Crystal?

you go to tin tower

Where do you get exacute in Pokemon pearl?

you get an exacute in the hoho and the kanto reigon

Where do you get ledgedery Pokemon?

If you are talking about Hoho, Lugia, etc... then you will need a cheat.

Can you catch hoho in Pokemon HeartGold?

Yes. You will be able to find Hoho on top of the bell tower after you have the rainbow wing and the clear bell and you can get lugia too

How do you get to the seventh Pokemon gym in Kanto?

get hoho down from the tower and the man will let you by.

How do you get hoho in Pokemon emerald?

first you have to use cut on all the grass in the game then hoho will come and attake you.

Where can you spend bp on Pokemon diamond?

on top of the tower but must have a lugia and hoho or thee thre dog pokemon.