You can't get a shiny ho oh from any pack, you need to go on eBay or Amazon. You could buy a lot of Pokemon packs and see what you get.
What do you mean how do you make a shiny Pokemon stay shiny if you get a shiny Pokemon it stays shiny ok!
...shiny Pokemon are always shiny... ._.
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
Yes there are shiny Pokemon in firered
yes they do
You can catch Hoho at night.
To get a shiny Ho-Oh you have to keep fighting Ho-Oh until it's shiny. Meaning save before you encounter it and keep turning off your DS til it's shiny. Warning: This WILL take a while unless you're extremely lucky. I've only ONE shiny in my 12 years of playing Pokemon.
You have to purify every shadow Pokemon
No, because it is a legendary Pokemon.
not without hacks mods or maybe a glitch or ar
navel rock
you don' trade them......
you go to tin tower
you get an exacute in the hoho and the kanto reigon
Shiny Pokemon appear in the same manner as ordinary wild Pokemon. However, the chance of a shiny Pokemon appearing are extremely low; to be precise, the chance is 1 in 8192. As such, the best way to capture a shiny Pokemon is to play as you normally would, ensuring that you always have a full stock of pokeballs in your pack, in case you run into one.
What do you mean how do you make a shiny Pokemon stay shiny if you get a shiny Pokemon it stays shiny ok!