You can't Get one to keep on you but if you go to a contest hall you can find the berry blenders there
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
Evee is not availiable in Pokemon Sapphire.
sinnoh Pokemon won't appear in Sapphire version!
There is not a bike voucher in Pokemon sapphire
Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.
You can go to slateport, verdanturf, fallarbor, and lilycove go in big red buildings.
Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.
There is no Pokemon mansion in sapphire.
He is not in Pokemon: Sapphire. You will not be able to find him. He is in Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Pearl, and Pokemon: Platinum. You will definitely have trouble finding him in Pokemon: Sapphire.
Evee is not availiable in Pokemon Sapphire.
Any Pokemon in sapphire but you have to migrate
u don't get it to keep or hold onto, u go to a Pokemon contest and on the far east or right side of the room u will see on with people and one empty the empty one is for friends and the occupied one is for u and the people around it.
You cannot get Regigas in Pokemon Sapphire as it is from the next generation of Pokemon
sinnoh Pokemon won't appear in Sapphire version!
All Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire can breed. Except for all legendaries.
Not in sapphire.
There is not a bike voucher in Pokemon sapphire