You have to trade it in from another game.
Seafoam islands
Psyduck is only in firered trade one to leafgreen.
You can get psyduck by throwing a poke ball at him that will let you have him.
Psyduck is in firered not leafgreen you can find it using a good or super rod in the safari zone.
The safari zone.
some Kanto city in the water i think. But for sure in the water in the Safari Zone. ANSWER : Psyduck cannot be found in Leaf Green, only in Fire Red.
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.
Psyduck evolves into Golduck, starting at level 33.
Psyduck is in firered not leafgreen you can find it using a good or super rod in the safari zone.
you cant get a phyduck, but you can get a psyduck
The safari zone.
Be more good at grammer. Psyduck can be found in Pokemon Leaf Green.
Psyduck. must trade from firered
NO. The only trainers who have that Pokemon is a young couple(double battle) in the Canyon Entrance on seven island. One has a psyduck and a golduck in a dual battle. Both are at Lv.50
some Kanto city in the water i think. But for sure in the water in the Safari Zone. ANSWER : Psyduck cannot be found in Leaf Green, only in Fire Red.
Psyduck can be caught in most water areas in FireRed, but is not availble in LeafGreen
Psyduck can breed with psyduck, I think
this is a stupid question, of course psyduck is the greatest Pokemon in the history of Pokemon anyone who disputes this is dead wrong this is a stupid question, of course psyduck is the greatest Pokemon in the history of Pokemon anyone who disputes this is dead wrong
in leaf green you cant find ekans, arbok, oddish, gloom, vileplume, psyduck, golduck, growlithe, arcanine, shellder, cloyster, scyther, and electobuzz but you can trade them from fire red.