A house south of Lavender Town in Kanto, well after you obtain the good rod.
In Pokémon SoulSilver, you can get the Old Rod in Route 32 in Johto, you can get the Good Rod in Olivine City and you can get the Super Rod in Route 12 in Kanto.
You either wait for a horde of them, or check where you can with a super rod.
You get it from a Fishing Guru on Route 12 at the Kanto region.
Super rod all over the place until you find a wailmer
yes, in the dragon's den. although, it wont be very strong. your best bet is a super rod
Old Rod, New Rod, and Super Rod.
In Pokémon SoulSilver, you can get the Old Rod in Route 32 in Johto, you can get the Good Rod in Olivine City and you can get the Super Rod in Route 12 in Kanto.
you get the super rod on route 12 in kanto.cheers
Fish with the super rod of the Vermillion docks.
Use super rod at route 12 (in Kanto)
You either wait for a horde of them, or check where you can with a super rod.
You get it from a Fishing Guru on Route 12 at the Kanto region.
You'll need to Surf in Dragon's Den or use a Good Rod/Super Rod in Dragon's Den.
you find it in Sunyshore City using a super rod /////or Route 47 in soulsilver
you will need the super rod. you will find him i think on that really long bridge.
Super rod all over the place until you find a wailmer
yes, in the dragon's den. although, it wont be very strong. your best bet is a super rod