Psybeam is not a TM move. It's learn-able by level up by Butterfree, Venonat, Venomoth, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mr. Mime, Porygon, Espeon, Misdreavus, Girafarig, Remoraid, Octillery, and Porygon2. It's also usable by Pokemon that know Metronome if it's chosen by that move.
it will learn it at level 36
I hoenestly think that psybeam is one of the best Psycic moves, sadly i dont think you can D:
if you mean Pokemon gold then the answer is no and if you mean Pokemon haert gold then you can get him only with action replay
You can't trade Pokemon from Pokemon Gold to Pokemon Red, you can only trade Pokemon from Red to Gold and not the opposite.
gold pokemon #61 tadpole pokemon
it will learn it at level 36
Psybeam is not a TM and thus cannot be found. The only way for a Pokemon to learn Psybeam is by leveling them up.
Mewtwo doesn't learn Psybeam.
Kadabra learns Psybeam at level 24.
Psybeam is not available by TM or Move Tutor in HG/SS.
Pokemon Heart gold is different from Pokemon Gold cuz heart gold has better graphics new Pokemon and new events
So far my porygon is level 49 and has tackle tri attack zap cannon and psybeam hope i can help =).
I hoenestly think that psybeam is one of the best Psycic moves, sadly i dont think you can D:
Pokemon gold johto
if you mean Pokemon gold then the answer is no and if you mean Pokemon haert gold then you can get him only with action replay
There is no pokeathelon in the original Pokemon gold