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The Growlithe cannot be found in Pokemon Emerald but you can trade it fromPokemonFirered.
growlithe cannot be caught in emerald, Sapphire or ruby. it must be traded from fire red

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Q: Where do you get Growlithe in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you get growlithe in Pokemon Emerald?

Growlithe is not available in Pokemon Emerald. You will need to trade it from another game such as FireRed, LeafGreen, or Ruby where it can be found in specific locations or through in-game events.

Where to get an Arcanine in Pokemon Emerald vba?

Get a Growlithe and evolve it.

Can you get growlithe in Pokemon emerald version?

no but you can trade it from fire red

Where is growlith on Pokemon emerald?

In tall GrassYou can't get growlithe in emerald so trade one from firered or Pokemon xd.

What do you do with the fire stone in Pokemon emerald?

use it on a Vulpix, Eevee or growlithe

How do you get the Pokemon Growllithe in Pokemon emerald?

You can only get Growlithe by trading from Fire Red or Pokémon XD.

How do you get the preevolved form growlithe in Pokemon emerald?

Growlithe does not have a pre-evolved form but to evolve it into an Arcanine, use a fire stone.

What Pokemon game can you find Growlithe?

you can find growlithe in Pokemon fire red at the Pokemon mansion but in leaf green you get vulpiz instead if you need any help email me at i will only be able to help with Pokemon leaf green fire red and emerald

Can you battle a wild growlithe in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No. Growlithe is a Pokemon exclusive to Pokemon FireRed Version.

Are there growlithe in Pokemon Ruby?

There aren't any Growlithe in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for them from Pokemon Fire Red or Pokemon XD.

When does growlithe evolve Pokemon HeartGold?

Growlithe evolves into Arcanine when you give the Pokemon a fire stone.

What Pokemon did growlithe evolve from?

I think it is only growlithe and arcinine.