Easy, find an Exeggute and use a leaf stone. It really isn't that hard, O.K?---------ANSWER 2: he's right. But it is hard. It is, VERY hard to find an exeggute. But as soon as you get one, just do as he said, and you have exegguter. But still, it's hard to find an exeggute. I know how hard from experience, I know, it sucks.
In Pokémon HeartGold you cannot find wild Exeggutor in the game however you can find its pre-evolved form of Exeggcute in the game and they can be found in Routes 26 and 27, 29 through 32, 34 through 39, 43, 47 and 48 and in the additional locations of New Bark Town, Cherrygrove City, Violet City, National Park, Ecruteak City, Lake of Rage and within the gate area of the Safari Zone and then you can use a Leaf Stone on Exeggcute in order to evolve it into Exeggutor.
Gloom -> Vileplume Weepinbell -> Victreebell Exegcute -> Exeggutor
unfortunatley, exeggutor cant learn cut. the only HM it can learn is strength
It still doesn't!
They can breed.
It evolves into Exeggutor
Gloom -> Vileplume Weepinbell -> Victreebell Exegcute -> Exeggutor
Gloom into Vileplume Weepinbell into Victrebel Exeggcute into Exeggutor and Nuzleaf into Shiftry.
Yes that is a very good team because of its variety
The first time around, Blue has a Pidgeot, Exeggutor, Machamp, Arcanine, Rhydon, and Gyarados. When battling Blue in a rematch, he has a Machamp, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Rypherior, Tyranitar, and Pidgeot (all at higher levels than the first time around).
Machamp, Arcanine, Exeggutor, Rhyperior, Tyranintar, Pidgeot. I made a link of all gym leaders, blue the gym leader is at the bottom.
Blue is the 16th gym leader in Pokemon Gold, Silver, HeartGold and SoulSilver versions. In Gold and Silver his team consists of Pidgeot; Alakazam; Rhydon; Gyarados; Exeggutor and Arcanine. In HeartGold and SoulSilver he uses the same Pokemon with slightly higher levels.
In Pokemon Heartgold with this team, first train crobat to level 100. Then swap Ludicolo for Exeggutor with the ability chlorophyll.
Exeggutor does not learn solar beam at any natural level. To teach it solar beam you must get the TM first and use it on the Exeggutor.
Exeggutor is #103 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Psychic type Pokemon.
I evolved mine at 60 because thats when he stops learning moves as exeggutor
unfortunatley, exeggutor cant learn cut. the only HM it can learn is strength
You need to Evolve Exeggcute...