in the desert in route 228 you only have a 2 percent chance of seeing it.
Trapinch can be found on route 228 on both Diamond and Pearl using the PokeRadar.
No. You would have to get one from a friend with diamond or pearl.
Trapinch can be found in the dessert in lavaridge town after you beat Flannery.
Trapinch is located in the sandy area of the desert in Route 111. It shouldn't take long to find one.
Trapinch can be found on route 228 on both Diamond and Pearl using the PokeRadar.
level 35
If you are refering to the Pokemon trapinch then it depends on what gameFor Ruby, Sapphire, And EmeraldGo to the desert and walk aroundFor Diamond, Pearl And PlatnumTrading
No. You would have to get one from a friend with diamond or pearl.
use the pokeradar on route 228 after you get the national dex. OR, you can migrate it from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
Trapinch is found on route 228 (desert) by using the PokeRadar.
Trapinch can be found in the dessert in lavaridge town after you beat Flannery.
No. You can either trade it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Heartgold, or Soulsilver, or use the pal park function (if you have an original DS or DS Lite) to transfer a trapinch from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
I'm not to smart, but you can't get Trapinch and Pokemon Platinum is better.
"In Pokemon ruby can Pokemon run from trapinch?"Yes and no. Most Pokemon cannot run from trapinch because trapinch has the ability Arena Trap, but flying types are unnaffected by Arena Trap.
Trapinch are found in the desert.